Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How To Make Your Computer Faster | Computer Tips

Without computers, most of us would be having a hard time, and we would be nothing today. That’s why as parents or the adults in our house, we need to make sure kids and everyone in our household has access to one, this is because having basic knowledge about them it is extremely important in our generation, which is heading towards digitalization.

You don’t really have to buy a new one, the old computer that you have can still be used.

In this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, the best computer, laptop, and mobile repair shop in Calgary, Canada, will help you make that old computer of yours faster.

3 Tips That Will Help You Make Your Old Computer Fast

1.       Use The Right Operating System

If your computer is old, you want to make sure that you are using a light operating system so your components won’t have a hard time in keeping the OS running. This is extremely important because most of us force our old computers to run the latest Windows 10 version, which requires some power to run.

2.       Use An SSD Not HDD

If you have some money with you, you want to purchase an SSD and remove your HDD. SSD’s are faster and much more efficient than HDD’s, they are also lighter, which means they will not take a lot of space in your pc. Use an SSD or an NVME SSD as a boot drive so your windows will not have a hard time in running on your computer.

3.       Add More Ram

If your computer has 2 gigabytes of RAM, you want to double that. Computers these days need to have at least 8 gigabytes of RAM. Operating systems alone use around 2 to 3 gigabytes of RAM, so having double that is extremely important. If you want to run Windows 10 Pro, you want to have at least 8 gigabytes or RAM.

The 3 tips that we mentioned above will only work if your computer is around 3 to 4 years old. Older computers will require more work or in worst case scenarios, you need to get rid of them and purchase a new one.

Why Alberta Cellphone Repair?

Alberta Cellphone Repair is the best Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB, Laptop Repair Calgary AB, and iPhoneRepairs Calgary center in Calgary, Canada, that can help you get your electronic gadgets running again. To know more about our services, call us on the number below or send us an email so we can help you right away!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

How To Set Up Your Electronics Shop With Precautionary Measures During This Coronavirus Pandemic

Amidst this coronavirus pandemic, it is our duty as electronics shop owners to make sure that our shop has all the precautionary measures that will help us keep the novel coronavirus away from us and our clients or customers.

As business owners, it should be in our minds that the coronavirus has no cure or vaccine, and it we should also practice all the precautionary measures that the CDC and WHO recommends us to follow.

That’s why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, the best Android Repair Calgary NE, will list down some tips that will help you set up your electronics shop during this covid-19 pandemic.

Tips That Will Help You Set Up Your Electronics Shop With Precautionary Measures During This Coronavirus Pandemic

1.       Add Circles That Are 1 Meter Away From Each Other

Social distancing is one of the best ways that will help you keep this deadly disease away. You want to keep in mind that the coronavirus is a respiratory disease, which means it is very transmissible, and can be lethal when it infects anyone that has ongoing respiratory diseases.

2.       Sanitize

Sanitizing helps you keep the virus away from you. Because you cannot tell anyone that visits your shop to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap, the best thing that you can do is offer them a hand sanitizer that has at least 60 percent solution.

3.       Clean Your Shop Twice

When you come in every day, you want to clean your shop and before you leave it you want to clean it again. Remember, deadly viruses cannot survive in clean surfaces, so it is a good precautionary measure to do in your shop.

4.       Wear Protective Gear

In order to maximize security, you want to wear gloves and face masks when you are working in your shop. This is important because you want to keep the virus away from you. If it is possible, you should sanitize the unit that is handed to you before you touch it with your bare hands.

Why Alberta Cellphone Repair?

Alberta Cellphone Repair is the best electronics shop in Calgary that can help you get your LaptopRepair Calgary AB, iPhone RepairsCalgary, computers, and tablets fixed during this coronavirus pandemic safely. To know more about our services, visit our website or give us a call on the number below!

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