Thursday, September 24, 2020

3 Easy To Follow Tips That Will Help You Purchase The Right Laptop


Purchasing a laptop can be one of the toughest things that you can go through if you are a student or a businessman, especially if you have little knowledge about laptops, their specs, and how different kinds of laptops work.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated Cell Phone Repair Calgary AB  and Laptop Repair Calgary AB, Canada, will list down some easy to follow tips that can help you purchase the right laptop for your work, business, gaming needs, or even student needs.

Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB

3 Easy To Follow Tips That Will Help You Purchase The Right Laptop

1.      Know The Type Of Laptop You Want To Buy

Before doing anything else, you want to make sure that you know the type of laptop that you really want to buy. There are entry-level laptops, there are gaming laptops, and there are laptops that are made especially for heavy usage. So before you go out and start to look at laptops in the shop that you have chosen, you want to know the exact type of laptop you want. The internet is a huge place to get to know some laptops, so getting to know them is a good thing.

2.       The Budget

The second thing that you want to know is the budget. Before you go out and purchase a laptop, you want to make sure that you are within your budget. This is important because the right budget will help you save money in the long run. Also, it will help a lot in narrowing down the laptops that you are looking at. This is a good way to save money as you do not want to buy something that it out of your budget.

3.       Where You Are Going To Use It

Another thing that you want to know is where you are going to use the laptop. If you are going to is it for work, then you could have minimal specifications. But if you are going to use it for gaming and studying, you want to go all out. These types of laptops usually start at around $1000 USD or even more if you want to go all out.

Why Alberta Cellphone Repair?

Alberta Cellphone Repair is one of the best Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB, laptop, and cellphone repair shops in Calgary, Canada, that can help you get anything that you want amongst those 3 fixed at the best prices. To know more about how we can help you, contact us on the number below or send us an email so we can contact you right away!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Should You Buy A New Tablet Or Stick With The New One That Got Released?


When new technology comes out, a lot of people rush to YouTube or search for reviews that techtubers or vloggers make right away. This is because they want to see how that new piece of tech is performing and if it is worth their money as they want to get rid of that old the tech that they have been using for years.

We know you want to change the one that you have, however, there are some things that you want to look at before you make such a thing.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated laptop, Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB, and iPhone Repairs Calgary, Canada, will list down some things that will help you answer “Should You Buy A New Tablet Or Stick With The New One That Got Released?”

Tablet Screen Repair Calgary

3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying A New Tablet

1.       Your Budget

New tech means more and hectic prices. So before decide, you want to make sure that you are within the budget and are not spending money that you do not even have. This is important because you want to make sure that you have the money to buy the piece of tech that you are eyeing at. Also, before you buy that one, make sure to sell the old tech that you have, it will help you get the money faster.

2.       Your Needs

The second thing that you want to look at is your needs. You want to ask yourself why you need that piece of tech. you also want to compare the things that the 2 tech pieces can do. You can check out YouTube and blogs for this one, they can help you save a lot of time and doing research because they just do it for you.

3.       The Condition Of Your Old Tech

The third thing that you want to look at is the condition of your old Laptop Repair Calgary AB. you want to make sure that it is extremely old and is showing signs of ageing. Such include hot temps, lags, and failure to carry out simple tasks. This is a good thing to look at before upgrading to something that can cost you anywhere from $400 to $1,500 CAD.

Note: These are just 3 of the many things that you want to ask yourself before buying that new piece of tech.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Why Is Good Airflow Important For Laptops And Computers

Keeping your computer parts or laptop parts cool should be one of the priorities you should have if you use them for almost 8 to 14 hours per day. This is important because keeping your CPU, GPU, RAM, and other pc or laptop parts hot for a longer period of times could end up in damaging the conductors or other performances that they bring to help you carry out certain tasks.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, the best computer, Laptop Repair Calgary AB, and cellphone repair shop in Calgary, Canada, will list down some reasons why good airflow is important for laptops and computers.

Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB

3 Reasons Why Is Good Airflow Important For Laptops And Computers

1.       Cooler Temps

Cooler temperatures will help you carry out tasks, stream, watch informational videos and read blogs, and do your projects or assignments. This is because the cool temps will help your computer run without having to worry about the hot conductors. This means that you will not be having lags or stutters. Your fans will also be less noisy if the internal temps are colder.

2.       Fewer Chances Of Having Lags

Because everything is running at good temperatures, you will have fewer chances of having to face lags or stutters in your pc or laptop despite heavy or long usage. This is because your CPU, RAM, The motherboard, and all other parts are running at temps that are good. The hotter they get, the more electricity and usage they will be getting. This is bad for the overall health of your computer and you want to avoid this right away.

3.       Do More Things

Because the temps of your internal parts are good, you will get to use your PC or laptop more efficiently. This will help you do more research, streaming, open more tabs on the internet explorer that you are using, and carry out more tasks at a faster rate if you are trying to finish a project or assignment for a certain subject.

Note: These are just 3 of the many reasons why you need to keep your computer and laptop temps cool all the time.

Why Alberta Cellphone Repair?

Alberta Cellphone Repair is one of the best Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB and laptop repair shops in Calgary, Canada, that can help you get your laptops and computers run faster and cooler at an affordable price. To know more about what we offer, call us on the number below or send us an email so we can contact you right away! We also offer iPhone Repairs Calgary.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

How To Make Your Older Laptops Faster?

Not everyone has the luxury to purchase new and faster laptop, this is why we just upgrade the one that we have and make them usable for the next 2 to 3 years. Not everyone knows what is upgradable and what is not, and this is why you are here, to get that answered.

In this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, the best laptop, PC, and Cell Phone Repair Calgary DownTown repair shop in Calgary, Canada, will list down tips that will help you make your older laptop faster and more usable for years to come.

3 Tips That Will Help You Make Your Older Laptops Faster

1.       Upgrade Ram

The best thing about laptops is that can upgrade the ram and make it more faster so you can use it for years or months to come. RAMs can make the laptop 20 to 30 percent faster with a major upgrade. If you have a laptop that has a 4 GB RAM, you can make that 8 or 12 and see the huge difference. RAM will help you run applications or multiple apps at the same time.

2.       Make It Cooler

The better the temps of your laptop will be, the better it will perform. A hot CPU and GPU will cause a lot of issues, such as lags and poor performance. Not only that, when a CPU is hot, the usage of it will increase even if you are not using it. You will see the difference on your own. The answer to this is a cooling pad below the laptop. Buy a cooling pad that has at least 2 fans or 3.

3.       Clean Your Laptop

Internally and externally, you need to clean your Laptop Repair Calgary AB from time to time. Internally, you want to make sure there are no viruses or other apps in your laptop that can cause your laptop to slow down. Remember, you only want to download applications that your laptop can handle. If your laptop does not have a GPU, do not download heavy games. For externally, you want to clean the fans of the laptop properly.

4.       Get It Checked

If you think something is wrong with your laptop and you cannot fix it by yourself, get it checked up by a professional Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB. This one is important because you do not want to experiment and cause more damage on that laptop that you have. Try to bring it to the best laptop repair service provider in Calgary.

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