Thursday, October 29, 2020

How To Keep Your Personal Information Secure In Your Personal Laptop?

Your personal information is as valuable as your personal documents, but you only do very few things to keep it safe.

Your laptop or personal computer is one of the most valuable things that you own. It stores the most important details about you and your life. From private images and videos to the login details of your social media accounts or work mail accounts, the number of things that you have on it is really important and you want to make sure they are safe all the time.

With these things in your mind, you need to increase the safety measures in your laptop or computer to keep your personal information safe.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB and Cell Phone Screen Repair Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you need to keep your personal information secure on your personal laptop.

Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB

3 Things That Will Help You Keep Your Personal Information Secure In Your Personal Laptop

1.       Use A Strong Password

One of the first things that you want to do is use a strong password. From social media accounts to the password of your laptop, you want to use a strong password. This is one of the most effective and best ways to keep your personal information safe from people that are trying to get your information leaked on the internet. Also, avoid using your name in your password and avoid “123456” as your password. Some platforms allow you to do such things, but this is not a good thing to do.

2.       Avoid Connecting To Free Wi-Fi In Public Areas

The second thing that you need to keep in the mind is that you want to avoid connecting to the free Wi-Fi that is being offered in public areas. This is one of the easiest ways of getting your personal information such as the IP address and other addresses that your laptop has. Professional hackers have an easier time hacking into your device if you are connected to free Wi-Fi. This applies to Nearest Cell PhoneRepair Shop Calgary too!

3.       Avoid Keeping Personal Details In Files

The third thing that you want to do is avoid keeping personal details in file forms. Instead, place them in the cloud system that you have. Make sure that the cloud system has a secure password. This will help you keep everything safe and help you save a lot of memory on your laptop or personal computer. This is a very good thing to do.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Laptop From Getting Hacked By Hackers

There are a lot of precautionary measures you can follow to keep your laptop protected from getting hacked by people that have nothing else better to do in life.

Why is this important?

Well, if hackers manage to get inside your laptop and you not knowing it, you might end up leaking some personal details. This includes leak in private images, videos, documents, and details about the projects that you are handling right now for work.

A data breach is one of the most common hack you can get, but you can prevent this.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated Cell Phone Repair Calgary and iPhone Repairs Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some tips that will help you keep your laptop safe from hackers.

Computer repair shop Calgary AB

3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Laptop From Getting Hacked By Hackers

1.      Do Not Connect To Free Wi-Fi

The first thing you want to do is stay away from the free Wi-Fi that is being offered around in your city. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to allow a hacker knows the things that you are accessing on a daily basis. In order to keep your data and yourself safe and away from hackers, try using your own hotspot. This is a good thing to do if you carry a lot of important and secret files within your laptop. Just keep this in mind, stay away from the free Wi-Fi that restaurants and other places are offering.

2.     Avoid Lending Your Laptop

Well, we hate to say this, but sometimes, the people that are close to you can leak some of the most important things that you have in life on the internet. To avoid such things, stop lending your laptop. They might install tracking software on your computer or know your passwords that are saved in your browser. If you want to, create a new profile for guests and place a good password that is really hard to crack.

3.      Change Your Password From Time To Time

Another thing that Laptop Repair Calgary AB recommends you should do is change your password from time to time. This is an important thing to do in order to avoid a data breach. Try to set a password that is really different from the password that you currently have. Also, keep it with you and leave a copy somewhere in your house so you can know what it is in case you forget about it.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Tips That Would Make Your Old Laptop Faster Without Spending Any Money


Most of us do not have money to buy new things every year, that’s why we have to stick with the gadgets that we have and make them become useful despite them being old and slow. But lucky for you, there are some things that you can do to make your old gadgets faster without having to spend money.

Laptops in specific are one of the most unique and useful gadgets one can purchase in the 20th century. They are good, can be brought anywhere, and can be used for entertainment or work and even study purposes.

Most of us still use the laptop that we bought 3 to 4 years ago, and for us, they are starting to get slow.

Don’t worry, we got you with that.

In this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top rated Nearest Cell Phone Repair Shop Calgary and Cell Phone Screen Repair Calgary in Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you can do to make your old laptops or laptop faster without having to spend any money.

Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB

3 Tips That Would Make Your Old Laptop Faster Without Spending Any Money

1.     Uninstall Apps You Do Not Need And Run Without You Opening Them

A lot of the applications that we download on our laptops or computers are not needed to be honest. Instead of letting them stay on your laptop, try to uninstall them and go with lighter ones. Make sure you have laptops that are capable of running them if you are keen on keeping them. Older laptops should remove applications that are unnecessary. Instead of keeping them, why not go online? Most of the applications that are downloaded can be used on the internet too! All you need to have is a fast internet and a working laptop.

2.     Go With A Lighter Operating System

Do not force your Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB to run an operating system that it could not handle. Go with a lighter operating system so you can make your laptop more useful. This is a pro and good tip to make your laptop more usable and faster without having to spend any money. You can get free windows from the official website of Microsoft or the one that you want to have on your laptop.

3.       Free Up Some Space

Another thing that you want to do is to make sure that your laptop has a lot of space left. Do not let virus filled files in your computer and stop downloading content or files from websites that are full of viruses. Do these 2 things properly and you will see a lot of difference and speed boost in your laptop right away!

Note: These tips will only work if you have a laptop that was bought in the last 5 years.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

4 Things To Do When Buying A New Laptop

There are a number of things that you need to look out and do research on if you are trying to buy something that you have never bought before. From the specs to comparisons with laptops that are in the same price range, you want to do everything you can to make sure that you are doing the right thing and you are investing your saved money on the right laptop.

We know it sounds hard, but in reality, it is not.

This is why in this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated laptop, cellphone, tablet, and Computer Repair ShopCalgary AB, Canada, will be listing down some things that you need to do when you are trying to buy a laptop.

Laptop Repair Calgary AB

4 Things To Do When Buying A New Laptop

1.       Know  Your Budget

The first thing that you want to do is know the amount of money that you are going to spend. This is an important thing to do because you want to look at the laptops that are within your range. Instead of spending money that you do not have or take a loan from your friends or parents, do buy the laptop that you can afford.

2.       Use

The second thing that you want to know is where you are going to use your laptop or Mobile Repair Calgary. This is important because you want to look at laptops that are within that budget range and are being used for the things that you are going to do. If you are a student and are going to use your laptop for things such as docs and streaming, you want to go with MacBooks. But if you are a gamer, go with something better, perhaps Acer or Asus.

3.       Compare

If you have a laptop in mind, you want to look at laptops that are being offered at the same price range. Watch videos that you can find on YouTube or blogs that compare your laptops with laptops that could be bought in the same price range. This is an important thing to do because as there are a lot of options, but you will only be buying one.

4.       Take Your Time

The last thing that you want to do is take your time when Cell Phone Screen Repair Calgary. Do not rush things, especially when you are about to buy something. Make sure you know what you are doing and understand how the process of buying something expensive works. Once you buy a laptop, you will be stuck with that one for 2 to 4 years. So make sure you are buying the right one.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

How To Keep Your Video Card Healthy


If you own a gaming or editing computer, you are probably worried about the overall health of your PC and the expensive components that you have in them. That worry is valid and we understand why you have it, but instead of just procrastinating, you want to find ways that can help you keep your PC healthy so you can use it for years to come.

Let’s get one thing straight, keeping a PC healthy is something that is very hard to do, but there are some things that will help you do that and the good thing is that they are very easy to follow.

In this blog, Alberta Cellphone Repair, a top-rated Cell Phone Screen Repair Calgary, laptop, and computer repair shop in Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some tips that will help you keep your video card, a very valuable and expensive PC components, healthy despite being used every single day.

Laptop Repair Calgary AB

3 Easy To Follow Tips That Will Help You Keep Your Video Card Healthy

1.     Keep It Clean

One thing that you want to make sure is that the fans and the radiator your video card has is clean. You want to make sure it is dust-free. This is important to do so you can have good temperatures while you play games and edit videos or other things for your work. This is a very helpful and efficient way to keep your expensive video card healthy and running for years to come. You can get yours serviced at Computer Repair Shop Calgary AB.

2.     Stop Playing Games Your Video Card Or Computer Could Not Run

Another thing that you want to do is make sure that you are not playing games on your computer that your parts could not handle. This is important because your computer is only capable of doing certain things, if you want to have no boundary, you want you to upgrade your computer. A good or decent computer can handle almost everything that you throw at it.

3.      Have Good Room Temperature

The third thing that you want to do is to make sure that your room has a good temperature. This is important because good room temperature allows the video card and the processor along with the other fans that you have to take in cool air. With this, your PC can stay cool despite heavy usage when you are gaming or editing videos along with working.

Note: These are just some of the many tips Laptop Repair Calgary AB has to offer so that you have to do to keep your video card healthy.

How to Protect your smartphone from Hackers?

In this era that we live in right now, we rely so much on the internet that it can be sometimes hard for us to protect our privacy. Once we ...