Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Impact of Cold Weather on the Phone - Alberta Cellphone Repair Inc.

Impact of Cold Weather on the Phone 

Alberta Cellphone Repair Inc.

In winter season all bundle up for warmth and the same is applicable for the phone. As the temperature goes down in the winter, it has an impact on your smartphones and tablets. Following is a detail of why there is an impact of weather on the phone and the ways to protect the phone from such effects during winter time.

Impact of Weather on the Handset Device
If you have Apple iPhones or iPods then it is advisable to keep the devices in routine room temperature varying between 32F to 95F. If you are using your device outside the temperature range then you are likely to experience short battery life, trouble in charging and touchscreen issues. In some cases, your phone may even shut down automatically to your surprise. iPhone repair Calgary can suggest you things that you need to care during bad weather.

Battery Life of Smartphone during Cold Weather
In case you face issues with your device during the winter months, it may be most likely due to the battery. Most smartphone batteries are made of lithium-ion which is sensitive than alkaline batteries. When you expose lithium-ion batteries to very low temperature as in cold weather, the chemical reaction within the battery slows down or completely stops. The result is that battery may discharge less current compared to what is needed for the device to operate. This may be the primary reason for the reduced performance of the device. Ultimately battery life will reduce and at the end may shut down the device.
The issues that are caused by cold weather are temporary. When the lithium-ion battery warms up and again reaches the normal room temperature, the device starts performing normally. Mobile Cell Phone Repair Calgary can take care to fix your phone if it is getting warm often.

Tips to Protect Phone from Cold Weather Effects
As we already know the effect of cold weather on devices is temporary. Professionals recommend following tips to ensure optimum device performance at all times:

·         Keep your phone in your bag or purse to shield it from weather
·         It is good to keep your phone in a pant or coat pocket as body heat balances the device temperature
·         Try using thermal protection phone case for better device performance
·         Avoid leaving the device in the car overnight
·         Keep a backup power handy in case the device goes out of power
·         You need to wait to recharge or restart the phone till you there is the recommended temperature

If you want more information to enhance the performance of your handset device during the cold weather or if there is a problem in your mobile device then contact Cell Phone Repair Calgary NE to address the issues. The professionally trained technicians can troubleshoot any problem and suggest solutions to protect the phone under all weather conditions.

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